January 1, 2017

January 1, 2017
Our family is complete!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I'm learning to quit sweating the small things.

These past few days have been rather trying with the kids and their messes. My first instinct is to go ballistic! I think at times my kids make messes on purpose just to see me have a stress attack! I mean, I'm trying to teach them to be responsible and be clean as well, but without obsessing over it! I'm still learning. Every day is a new day to try again. And hopefully, learn from yesterday's mistakes. So grateful for God's forgiveness....and the children's!

I'm learning to quit sweating the small things. In the past, I used to let a piece of paper on the floor ruin my morning...no lie! Now, if someone comes over, they would probably think, "Lizzy, there's no way you ever suffered from OCD!" Lol! Books on the bookshelves are not perfectly lined up, toys are not categorized by type, the dining room has become a campsite with comforters over the table as a tent, the bathroom looks as though a tornado went through after evening baths...

My point is not that we shouldn't keep our homes clean! My kids have chores they do daily, and Saturdays are let-us-get-this-home-clean days, so don't think I've turned into a slob! What I am saying is let the children feel like your home is their home, too! I, too often, made the children feel like the only place they could be themselves was in their own rooms. That shouldn't be the case! They should feel free to be creative throughout the home! (Within reason! I wish the little guys would quit tagging the walls!  ) 

The day is coming that I will miss the toys on the floor, the little ones streaking through the hall after their baths, leaving trails of water behind. I will miss the ruckus of two boys doing the dishes, and yelling because the other keeps throwing a soapy wet sponge at him. I will miss the moments of genius that has left the living room to look like a parade of elephants just went through. Don't sweat the small things. One day you will miss the messes that only happy, laughing, joyous, creative kids can make!

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