January 1, 2017

January 1, 2017
Our family is complete!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

10, yes, 10!

Wow! I only seem to get around to this blog once a year. I would only say it's because of lack of trying, because I'm pretty sure I can fit it in more times. At least once a month.

Well, we have added another to our family. His name is Ezekiel Zion, and he's just a few days over a month.

One would think that adding one more child to 9 should not make that much of a difference, but it has. It seems harder to get into a workable routine. Sometimes I feel as though I'm doing everything ALL wrong! I'll sit with a list that I wanted to accomplish throughout the day, and become discouraged when I realize I only got, at the most, 2 things crossed off.

The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9

This verse encourages me to stop thinking that I must cross all things off of my list before I can declare that I have had a successful day. Too often, I think my writing is in stone and make no room for "interruptions." But those very interruptions are God's way of putting me on the right path He has established for the day!

I have been able, within these past weeks, to have a more personal relationship with my children. We have taken a small break from our curriculum and have been working on life skills. The children have also been able to pursue their own interests which has taught me a lot about them. I'm even considering implementing this "curriculum break" into our curriculum. (Which would not make them curriculum breaks anymore, would they?)

The purpose of this blog is not to come up with some new thought. The purpose is to be yet another witness in the long line of moms that we are all going through a struggle. Take heart. God gave you children, not for them to be a burden. They are a beautiful blessing and we must see them as such. I truly believe that once we see them the way God sees them, we will realize that our days are so full of joy! Believe it or not, children grow. Before long, we will miss the noise and laughter. Enjoy them while they're in your care!

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