January 1, 2017

January 1, 2017
Our family is complete!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our Olive Plants: Lovely Is His Name

Every Thursday, Around Our Table will feature one of our children's thoughts. It will be in whatever form they decide to express themselves. This section will be titled, 'Our Olive Plants,' with a subtitle of their selection. Enjoy!

~Lovely Is His Name~

Oh, how lovely is the name
Of God our sovereign Lord.
A name to fear, a name to love,
A name to be sought for.

The One who came, and through His love,
Died on Calvary's tree,
And suffered for OUR transgression;
He died for you and me.

And from that came salvation
From Hell and misery,
To be with Him, through thick and thin,
Because of Him we see.

Now we are called His church, His elect,
Though we may stumble and fall,
And find a way to make a mess,
He helps us through it all!

About the Author:

Elise Judith is a 12-year-old that LOVES to read. She's been known to consume 7 books in a single week. She prefers to read biographies. She also loves playing the piano.


  1. Very nice and well said, Elise! Keep writing, and reading too!


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