January 1, 2017

January 1, 2017
Our family is complete!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Metamorphosis Of Me- M.O.M.

Everything was tight and tone
Even my heart was made of stone
I had time to be alone
All has changed.

I traded abs of steel
For a much softer appeal
Stretch marks, a mama's seal
I've been rearranged.

Long gone are sleep-filled nights
Enter feedings by lamplight
But I laugh with new might
This is my call.

Now there are little mouths to feed
Hearts with the Gospel I must seed
My life has changed, I must concede
They are my all.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Word of God is a call to do!

I'm sitting here at the computer. Our daughter, Abigail, has a leash clipped to our youngest daughter, Amani, and is walking her like a dog. Israel and Elise are going around on scooters. The rest of the family is dispersed throughout, reading or playing or conversing. As loud as it may seem, these times always feel like breaks to me. No one is tugging at my clothes. They're all having fun doing their own thing.

I've been thinking about a lot of things lately, but one thing stands at the forefront. When God tells me in Scripture to "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person" (Colossians 4:6), does He really mean that? Does He really want me to live at peace with all men, if at all possible (Romans 12:18)? What about esteeming others as higher than myself (Philippians 2:3)? I'm supposed to love my enemies AND pray for them (Matthew 5:44)? Am I really expected to avoid foolish disputes and arguments and strife that profit nothing (Titus 3:9 & 2 Timothy 2:23)? 

I think yes.

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." ~James 1:22

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our Olive Plants: The Twilight Princess

Every Thursday, Around Our Table will feature one of our children's thoughts. It will be in whatever form they decide to express themselves. This section will be titled, 'Our Olive Plants,' with a subtitle of their selection. Enjoy!

~The Twilight Princess~

Who's seen the Twilight Princess? in all her stolen light,
Without an eye of falter, or mind of human blight?

Who's heard her charming night-call? to all the sons of day,
to come unto their resting, to dance in sleeping's sway?

Who's needle has woven her silk? of luminance into some garb,
and worn it as a trophy, of their whit more sharp than barb?

Have you seen the Twilight Princess? as she takes her father's post?
as he retires yet another day, from the Almighty's  host?

Have you seen her quiet reflection, in the ponds of purest drink?
And have you seen her surpass the song, of what you did then think?

Can you capture all her beauty, like a crown from'er father's head?
how she's made you think to drop pen, and gaze her face instead?

Have you seen her brothers watching? as she climbs to throne of Sky,
for unless you believe the Maker, you can only ask but, "why"?

Have you seen the Twilight Princess? as she paints in orange paste, 
the unseen portal of your vision, all within a season's haste?

Can you sing the strong sonata? of her foreign language key,
if you've tried you've learned quite quickly, that all words do quietly flee.

Yet isn't the glory of Maiden, but a drop of aquifer?
from the river of glory, of God I can't refer.

Have you seen the Twilight Princess, yet worshipped not luminescent flow?
for if you have you've traded raindrop, for vast, all glorious flow.

About the Author:

Ian Gabriel is a 13-year-old, with an interest in writing and reading. He enjoys reading books on Theology and poetry. 

I Did Not Know I Had Too Many Children

With global warming, overpopulation, and rising poverty levels, I should have known better. I'm slowly destroying our economy. Our carbon print is killing countless amounts of animal species worldwide. Aaron and I will never go on great vacations. We will lead miserable lives, enslaved to these out-of-body fetuses that keep needing food, and clothes, and shelter, and care.

At least, that's what some would like for us to believe.

I really don't want to write a post filled with sarcasm or arguing why children are not a curse. We've heard all of the arguments before. What I do want to accomplish, however, is to speak to how we respond to those that would accuse us of having too many children.

I've come to find out that the problem was with me. Whenever someone would say something like "Are you gonna' have anymore," or, "I hope this is your last one, " or, "Are you done," my immediate response was full of sarcasm and anger, and just downright frustration. Why do I say the problem was with me? I wasn't convinced of my own argument. I wasn't quite sure if we were doing the right thing. 

I'm not saying that this is the case for every mom or dad reading this post today, but if it does hit home for you, I hope I can help or encourage you in His Word, because that's the only source that will last.

I have not encountered too many in these past couple of years that have been disgusted at our family size, but that streak quickly came to an end yesterday. Elise and I were at the laundromat, and I needed assistance with one of the machines I was using. The owner came to help, and we started a small conversation. He asked if Elise was out of school and I told him that I home-school our children. He then asked how many we had, and I told him 10. Immediately, his retort was, "Oh, no! That's too many!" I smiled, and replied, "No, that's not too many. They're a blessing from God." He said, "No, no, no, no, no, they're not! He continued to say that, even as I said, "Children are an heritage from the Lord." He then broke his "no" chant, to say, "That is wrong!" I backed up, said thank you for your help with the washer, and continued on with my task. 

Rewind this to a couple of years back, and I would have had this man crying where he was standing, or yelling back obscenities at me. What would that have accomplished? Were those moments that I blew up at anyone who questioned my life's choices a good testimony about God? The fact of the matter is, children ARE a heritage from the Lord! Children ARE a blessing! If all the world came together and chanted, like the laundromat owner I encountered yesterday, "No. No. No. No. No...," would that change God's Word of truth? 

God's Word is our authority. Not my method of argumentation, but His Word. Not how loud I can yell, but His Word. And, unless I'm convinced of that, I'm going to fire at anyone that opposes me. I've learned that the best defense is to use the Word of God. (And I'm not talking about the verses that can be used out of context. For example, if someone said to me, "You have too many children, " I shouldn't answer with, " “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?,' or, "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?" I'll remind you that Satan is the one that takes verses and misapplies them.) Boldly proclaim the Word. Yes, 'children ARE an heritage from the Lord', and I am happy to have my 'quiver full of them.' Realize that if they oppose what you are saying, their real opposition is with God. 

I'll leave you with these few reminders of how we should address others, regardless if what they're saying to us is offensive, or rude, or just plain ignorant.:

"Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." ~Colossians 4:6

"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you," ~Matthew 5:44

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires." ~James 1:19&20

"How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers,these things ought not to be so. Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water." James 3:6-12

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

To Our Sons and Daughters

To our daughters, Elise, Abigail, and Amani:

Respect yourselves as daughters of the Most High God. Modest dress is not a call to be unattractive, and/or dull. In fact, the opposite has been proven. Women who dress to reveal, trigger a portion in a man's brain that views women as nonhuman...as tools. Yes, they seem to exhibit a power over their male audience, but it's the same power that Lowes and Home Depots possess. You, our beauties, are not hardware stores. You are minds and souls and were wonderfully made. So, until a man respects you for your intellect and personality, don't allow him to rule your body. Allow him to pursue you with a promise to wed you. Don't let him pursue you as if you're some sort of weekend renovation project.

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~Proverbs 31:30

To our sons, Ian, Israel, Ezra, Ephraim, Ethan, Elias, and Ezekiel:

Your manhood is not measured by how many women you can sleep with. True manhood is measured by how much you honor God, and in honoring God, loving one woman for the duration of your life. You will show women every where how much they are valued, by upholding your promise to your wife. In this, you are telling all that women should be honored, protected, and cherished. In turn, you will be respected. Do not give in to the pressure that society pushes on you. Look at the end of those that follow their ways. Be the example of a godly man. 

Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace. ~Psalms 37:37

Friday, October 11, 2013

Our Olive Plants: T.U.L.I.P.

Every Thursday, Around Our Table will feature one of our children's thoughts. It will be in whatever form they decide to express themselves. This section will be titled, 'Our Olive Plants,' with a subtitle of their selection. Enjoy!


Total Depravity, Oh! 
The remedy God gives to the sinning soul
While we were in sin, Christ came in
Sin gone away. Whole.

Unconditional Election. 
The Father's affection for His own elect
For us, sinners, chosen few
And gives light to the new
Before all time, His holy select.

Limited Atonement. Oh, what lament!
The sinner's strife 
 Choosing who gains light, 
Giving them life.

Irresistible Grace. 
Can't-won't walk away from Christ's face
Before we were saved
We were totally depraved
I can't believe I'm made new!

Perseverance of the Saints
God's grace to keep
Whoever is truly in Christ. Fully. 
Will stay in Christ.

 ~About the Author~
Ezra is a 10-year-old  that likes studying the Civil War era. He enjoys collecting different types of Bibles. He also loves to sing.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Not stooping to my daughter's level....it's hard!

I have a soon-to-be-teenage-daughter, Elise, that is wonderfully helpful....and wonderfully, well, a female. I have been seriously praying to The Lord about how to handle her, by guiding her without stooping to her "level." As much as I would like to say that I'm more mature than she is, it's easier to snap back with a sarcastic comment.

Well, to my shame, I did just that the other day. I'm embarrassed to admit that, but I'm grateful that it led me to really have to assess my behavior, before it was too late. I've heard as of recent, many accounts of women with strained relationships with their daughters. I see that as warning signs, "Do Not Enter" signs. I will heed them. They are a mercy from God.

I was fuming afterwards! Aaron came and spoke with me, and I just poured it all out to him, while simultaneously pleading to God for forgiveness and help. In that moment, I remembered from Scripture that God is a covenant making God. With that, Aaron sent Elise into the room I was in. I asked her for her forgiveness. Then, got down on my knees and made a pledge to her. I promised her to be an example of a godly woman. To encourage her. To help her. To serve her the way Jesus served His disciples.

Maybe what I'm sharing can help someone. I know that I may fail in my efforts, but I will not use that as an excuse to not put forth an effort. The pledge is to remind me that I have a duty to perform as God is watching. I will be printing out a copy for myself, and for Elise. How I love that girl, as I love all my kids. Time to put it into action! God bless you all!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Love Starts Off Messy

I am learning to allow my kids to love me, even if it is messy. Loving isn't just hugs and kisses. Love is hot chocolate even when your diet forbids it. Love is allowing them to help with laundry even if their idea of folding is rolling shirts up. Love is them offering to mop because they see you're tired and take it upon themselves to add dish washing liquid so the solution smells better. Love is teaching and then allowing them to serve. So, seeing them put into action what's coming from their hearts should not be met with disappointment, but encouragement....even when they "clean" the drawers you organized just the day before.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our Olive Plants: Kings

Every Thursday, Around Our Table will feature one of our children's thoughts. It will be in whatever form they decide to express themselves. This section will be titled, 'Our Olive Plants,' with a subtitle of their selection. Enjoy!


The first king was king Saul
He was strong in the beginning,
But, in the end he did fall.

King David, The Lord he did fear
Although he had some troubles, 
There and here.

King Solomon was very wise
Precious was he
In the Lord's eyes.

King Rehoboam, a fool was he
The old men's words
He did not heed.

King Jeroboam to God he did bond.
But, in the end, 
He worshipped other gods.

Now, I'm skipping through to wicked Ahab
His family and he,
All were mad.

There were many more kings
You can probably recall
Even if they were evil,
God chose them all.


                  ~About the Author~
Israel is an 11-year-old who loves studying history, namely the Civil War era. He collects hot wheels, and he also likes to rap. His favorite musician is Lecrae. Oh, and he loves eating. ;)

Monday, September 16, 2013

God holds up the Universe...He can keep you from falling!

I remember in the not too distant past, things were seemingly chaotic. I mean, all that could go wrong, was going wrong...and then some. I was at my wits end. I fell to my knees and cried out to the Lord. I poured all of it before Him-my fears, my frustrations. I piled them up at His feet.

I got up, wiped my tear-stained face, and opened up my bible. I asked the Lord for a Word to feed my need. I started reading in Psalms. Then, went to Matthew. They surprisingly didn't have what I needed for that moment. A voice in my conscience kept telling me to read Genesis. I opened up to it. I really don't think I got passed the first verse when I cried and laughed and praised God.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. ~Genesis 1:1

Listen, do you really think that the same God that put the world and the stars, and all galaxies in order, is not able to sustain you? Do you really believe that He who poured out His wrath on His Son, so that we can have life in Him, will save us to then leave us to figure things out for ourselves? The same God that knows our frailties, is the same God that makes His strength known to us in our weaknesses. If I'm keeping myself, I should be VERY afraid. Oh, but it is HE who keeps His children and is able to keep us from falling!

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. ~Jude 24&25

Quit leaning on your strengths. God will always put His children in a position so that they can realize it is He who has all power. He gave you life, He keeps you, He cleanses you, and one day, He'll bring you to be with Him.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Husband, you are my lord?

"For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening." ~1 Peter 3: 5 & 6

The first thousand times, or million times, I read this passage, I would just laugh. Then, when it wasn't funny anymore, I would skip over it. Then, when I couldn't skip over it, I'd get angered by it. Then, when it was useless being angered by it, I'd cry over it. I don't know when it happened or how it happened, but the Holy Spirit grabbed hold of my stony heart, and turned it into a heart of flesh. I grieved at the fact that I could not see my reflection in this passage.

Listen, I'm going to lay this out plainly, being very well aware that this is not a favorable stance. I just don't see the point in beating around the bush. I hope all that are reading this agree that the Scripture is not meant to be just read, but lived out. And, one can see in reading the Bible, time and time again, that if one proclaims they love God, it is evidenced through how they treat their neighbor, whether it be in feeding them, clothing them, forgiving them, and so on. 

Here it goes: Why do we women NOT use this logic in respects to this passage towards our husbands?

Peter, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is admonishing Christian women to be like Sarah and holy women of old, and submit to our husbands. Notice the words, "who hoped in God." THAT is the beauty of the passage. THAT is what the enemy wants us to overlook. Our hope is not in what our husbands are doing for us. It's not wrapped up in how they treat us. This is not to say that husbands do not have responsibilities towards their wives, because in this chapter and in other books of Scripture, those responsibilities are outlined. They are to love us wives as Christ loves us, His Church. Do you realize the implications of that one statement to husbands? Can one truly measure what Christ has done for us? 

With that being said, I want us women to be women of hope and honor, not women filled with excuses and rebellion towards God's Word. We hope in Christ Jesus and Him alone. We stand on His promises. He has a plan. He has an outline of His will that He has given us. This is why we don't fear, as stated at the end of verse 6! We are not inferior to our husbands as concerning our relationship to our Father. We both are coheirs unto salvation and the abundance of riches found in Christ Jesus. However, God has set us under our husbands, because that's His will for us on earth. As Jesus submitted to the will of our Father, to save us and teach us how to walk in humility and obedience to God, so, we submit to our husbands to show OUR children how to obey and respect and honor their dads. Break this order, and, well, you get what we see today in our society. 

We say we love God? Prove it. Honor His Word. Submit to your husband.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our Olive Plants: Lovely Is His Name

Every Thursday, Around Our Table will feature one of our children's thoughts. It will be in whatever form they decide to express themselves. This section will be titled, 'Our Olive Plants,' with a subtitle of their selection. Enjoy!

~Lovely Is His Name~

Oh, how lovely is the name
Of God our sovereign Lord.
A name to fear, a name to love,
A name to be sought for.

The One who came, and through His love,
Died on Calvary's tree,
And suffered for OUR transgression;
He died for you and me.

And from that came salvation
From Hell and misery,
To be with Him, through thick and thin,
Because of Him we see.

Now we are called His church, His elect,
Though we may stumble and fall,
And find a way to make a mess,
He helps us through it all!

About the Author:

Elise Judith is a 12-year-old that LOVES to read. She's been known to consume 7 books in a single week. She prefers to read biographies. She also loves playing the piano.

This has been weighing heavily on my mind. How often do I call God good, but only when things are going the way I want? I must trust that ALL of His ways are good!

You know what's a pet peeve of mine? When one of my kids ask me for something, and then ask me when and how it will be done. And some have had the nerve to complain because what they asked for didn't come when they had expected, or how they expected it to come. You know what I've done because of their ungratefulness? I've withheld what I was going to give them for a time. Then, I ask them if they believe I have their best interests at heart, and if they do, why did they not trust my decision and timing.

I'm not saying that God acts like me. He never has sinful motives, and He has more patience in one finger than I have in my whole body for a lifetime! But, I can only imagine how we grieve God when we act like spoiled children. When we complain when we didn't get quite what we wanted, when we wanted it. We constantly say, "God is good." Do we truly believe this? Is He still good when we lose our homes? Or when we don't get the job we applied for? Or when we see the wicked living comfortably? Ask yourself. Is He good then?

"He is the rock, His work is perfect: for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He." Deuteronomy 32:4

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our Olive Plants: Brethren

Every Thursday, Around Our Table will feature one of our children's thoughts. It will be in whatever form they decide to express themselves. This section will be titled, 'Our Olive Plants,' with a subtitle of their selection. Enjoy!


Love of the Brethren, pride of the pack.
Helping to gain what another might lack.
Serving as pages, individuals who are saved.
Fighting as knights for the victory claimed.
Together we are nothing, sinners hell bound
Under Christ, we are something, once lost, but ever found.
Purging our flocks of wolves who deny
The sovereignty of Christ, the Trinity on High.

But why?
Because we love our dear Brethren, and pray they are blessed

Let a hypocrite never enter and cast lies in our midst.
For our Church is the Body, the workers of Christ.
How can we honor God if our crowd disunites?
Let us stay joined together as a temple for Him.
Fitted in position to destroy any sin.

But why?
Because we love our dear brethren and there is no people like us

Sodom did fall for its vile, sensual progression.
Babel, the same, for its prideful conception.
But us? We will stand and draw closer to God.
Oh, Holy Spirit, let us ever the road of Love, trod!
And keep us in unity to our Master, the Father.

And why?
We love Him...He first loved us.

About the Author:

Ian Gabriel is a 13-year-old, with an interest in writing and reading. He enjoys reading books on Theology and poetry. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

But God...

Before going to work this morning, Aaron said that if I would've shown him a picture of our marriage now, 3 years ago, he wouldn't have believed it. I had to agree. There was no communication. There was no oneness. There was a cheap imitation of love. The love that the world portrays. The love that demanded from the other, but not from oneself.

But God...

God has a way of using the most foolish, unworthy people. The people that others would say, "Yup, I give them 6 months and it'll be over. " And, we gave more than ample evidence for believing so.

But God...

The morning when it seemed as though we had reached our final plateau, I remember thinking that I was going to exit with a bang. My will at that moment was to shatter any hopes of Aaron and I working out our marriage. I was so filled with rage and pride.

But God...

But God had His will and His purpose. I sing praises to His sovereignty! His that is not contingent upon mine! I turned to Aaron, and in an instant, my will was overcome by God's love. I couldn't speak. Just tears. Love-HIS love, filled the room. It was so tangible that I was sure Aaron felt it too. I asked, "Aaron, do you feel that?...what is that?....is that love?" I fell to the floor in repentance, first towards God, then towards Aaron. We both repented. It was strange, because although I was ashamed of my behavior and my actions, the guilt was gone upon realizing that His sacrificial act surpassed all that I had done or could do. It surpasses ALL understanding! Aaron and I haven't looked back since, but only to sing praises to God for His intervention. 

What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him? ~ Psalm 8:4

How often do I meditate on this verse. This verse has become my heart's puzzled, yet joyful cry. I know that what I am about to say will fly in the face of the ideology that we are to believe in ourselves, and work on our self-esteem. I actually believe that when we hit rock bottom, and think that we're nothing but a wretch, that's when God appears. When all is hopeless, that's when God can be glorified. He's not looking to share His glory, but to reveal His glory and His alone. And then, when we esteem HIM, will we see our worth, being the creatures He delighted in creating.

I believe that God saved Aaron and I for His good pleasure. If anyone knows our situation intimately, I pray that every time they see us, they glorify God in what He alone was able to do, and say, "I know Aaron and Lizzy shouldn't be together right now. They were selfish and stubborn. But God..."

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I'm learning to quit sweating the small things.

These past few days have been rather trying with the kids and their messes. My first instinct is to go ballistic! I think at times my kids make messes on purpose just to see me have a stress attack! I mean, I'm trying to teach them to be responsible and be clean as well, but without obsessing over it! I'm still learning. Every day is a new day to try again. And hopefully, learn from yesterday's mistakes. So grateful for God's forgiveness....and the children's!

I'm learning to quit sweating the small things. In the past, I used to let a piece of paper on the floor ruin my morning...no lie! Now, if someone comes over, they would probably think, "Lizzy, there's no way you ever suffered from OCD!" Lol! Books on the bookshelves are not perfectly lined up, toys are not categorized by type, the dining room has become a campsite with comforters over the table as a tent, the bathroom looks as though a tornado went through after evening baths...

My point is not that we shouldn't keep our homes clean! My kids have chores they do daily, and Saturdays are let-us-get-this-home-clean days, so don't think I've turned into a slob! What I am saying is let the children feel like your home is their home, too! I, too often, made the children feel like the only place they could be themselves was in their own rooms. That shouldn't be the case! They should feel free to be creative throughout the home! (Within reason! I wish the little guys would quit tagging the walls!  ) 

The day is coming that I will miss the toys on the floor, the little ones streaking through the hall after their baths, leaving trails of water behind. I will miss the ruckus of two boys doing the dishes, and yelling because the other keeps throwing a soapy wet sponge at him. I will miss the moments of genius that has left the living room to look like a parade of elephants just went through. Don't sweat the small things. One day you will miss the messes that only happy, laughing, joyous, creative kids can make!

Monday, June 24, 2013

I am sitting here.... I am drained here.... I am alone here....

I am sitting here....

I am drained here....

I am alone here....

I'm so glad that I can feel! Feelings remind me that I am affected by my environment and all those in it. I have to be on my guard on a regular basis because of this. Although these feelings are very real, they can also be very deceiving.

Am I really lonely? Am I feeling this way because man is not approving of me? Or am I feeling this way because I have failed to bring my concerns to the Lord? Yes, I just admitted that. I have to. We were made to glorify God and to be in communion with Him, so when we fail to do this, our hearts become desperate for affection. The truth of the matter is, I have a God that will never leave me or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5). I must stay grounded in this truth. It is vital to my survival. OUR survival! Why? So we can avoid looking to other gods for company or approval.

A. W. Tozer wrote in his book, Whatever Happened To Worship?, "The Chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever." How beautiful it is for a believer to come to the knowledge that their whole existence is to glorify their maker! We have come to the realization that in order to enjoy and adore God in eternity, we must do so in time. So, in those moments when I feel like no one's watching, no one cares about what I'm doing, I know who it is I am aiming to please, and can say, "He's watching! He cares about what I'm doing!"

I am sitting here...

I am drained here...

But, I am NOT alone here!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

10, yes, 10!

Wow! I only seem to get around to this blog once a year. I would only say it's because of lack of trying, because I'm pretty sure I can fit it in more times. At least once a month.

Well, we have added another to our family. His name is Ezekiel Zion, and he's just a few days over a month.

One would think that adding one more child to 9 should not make that much of a difference, but it has. It seems harder to get into a workable routine. Sometimes I feel as though I'm doing everything ALL wrong! I'll sit with a list that I wanted to accomplish throughout the day, and become discouraged when I realize I only got, at the most, 2 things crossed off.

The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9

This verse encourages me to stop thinking that I must cross all things off of my list before I can declare that I have had a successful day. Too often, I think my writing is in stone and make no room for "interruptions." But those very interruptions are God's way of putting me on the right path He has established for the day!

I have been able, within these past weeks, to have a more personal relationship with my children. We have taken a small break from our curriculum and have been working on life skills. The children have also been able to pursue their own interests which has taught me a lot about them. I'm even considering implementing this "curriculum break" into our curriculum. (Which would not make them curriculum breaks anymore, would they?)

The purpose of this blog is not to come up with some new thought. The purpose is to be yet another witness in the long line of moms that we are all going through a struggle. Take heart. God gave you children, not for them to be a burden. They are a beautiful blessing and we must see them as such. I truly believe that once we see them the way God sees them, we will realize that our days are so full of joy! Believe it or not, children grow. Before long, we will miss the noise and laughter. Enjoy them while they're in your care!